Friday, April 17, 2020

Start Today Journal 4.17.2020


  1. Hope.
  2. A home where I feel safe.
  3. New recipes.
  4. The chance to create a space that feels like my own.

10 Dreams (if they came true, you would be your future dream self):
Write them as if they have already happened. All of the things that would be true 10 years from now, when you're your future best self.

  1. I have $100,000 dollars in the bank. 
  2. I have created a minimalistic lifestyle.
  3. I have a happy, supportive, loving marriage.
  4. I have a dedicated self care routine.
  5. I have no debt.
  6. I have fully paid off my house and car.
  7. I have money saved for my children to go to college. 

10 Dreams You're Going to Commit to in order to become your dream self:
  1. Need more clarification.

1 Goal
Becomes a goal when you actively start to pursue it. What is the 1 goal out of the 10 you identified you can work on this quarter. Need clarity on what are the specifics and how will you measure your progress.
  1. Need more clarification.

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