Friday, December 16, 2011


i try to be myself as often as possible. preferably, all the time. but then i wonder how many other people are just like me, whether it's in my habits or thoughts. how many people are there that are very similar to me? even if i am one in a million, there are more than a million people on this earth, right? 

i feel like i worry too much about what other people think of me and i end up not doing what i think would be fun or just not buying things i like because i'm afraid of the criticism i'd get. i think we all need to be more accepting of people in a lot of ways so that we're allowed to be ourselves and not feel judged. i think that would really bring out more originality in the world. and as of right now, i'm going to do just that. i'm going to do what i like, what i think is fun, what i believe is right, what i need to do for myself without caring what other people think of me. and i'm gonna stop judging people so harshly too. it isn't fair to the people i judge by their looks or to me; i could be missing out on someone really great. and i'm not going to care what people are thinking about what i do/wear because i'm doing it to make myself happy. not for anyone else. 

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